What is Covered in Hospice Care?
Patients and families often have questions about who pays the bills for hospice care. Hospice is a Medicare Part A benefit; these services are also available under Medicaid and private insurance. Individuals can also choose to pay privately for hospice services.
The patient is rarely responsible for any hospice cost, except when paying privately. In the event there is a charge, our staff will make the patient and family aware of any expenses to be incurred.
The following services are covered under most hospice benefits:
Hospice Medical Director oversight and visits as needed
Nurse case manager visits
Nurse Practitioner visits
Certified nursing assistant visits
Social worker and chaplain visits
Comfort care medications
Medical supplies
Medical equipment
We meet the complete needs of our patients by providing ancillary services such as physical, occupational and speech therapy. These are provided if approved by the primary care physician in consultation with the hospice medical director and interdisciplinary team.
There are four levels of Hospice care
Routine Home Care
Routine home care in the residence, assisted living facility or apartment, or nursing facility.
General Inpatient Care
General inpatient care at a contracted facility, when the patient’s condition requires symptom management and skilled nursing intervention.
Continuous Care
Continuous care, when there is a major change in condition that requires 24 hours of skilled care per day from a nurse or certified nursing assistant.
Respite Care
Respite care, when the
patient or caregiver
needs a short period
of relief.